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Tour Services
For amber collectors who want to visit Myanmar and buy first hand from the local people, we offer an escort service taking you to little known markets and dealers for great bargains. Plan on spending a minimum of two weeks . Accommodations can be made from budget to high end. Group tours are also available. Please contact us for information and to personally address any questions you may have.
Inclusion Search
For collectors, scientists and institutions, we will be happy to find any specific amber inclusion that you are looking for, including very rare specimens. We have a vast network of contacts.
Wholesale Inclusion Lots
We offer wholesale lots of amber with insect inclusions.
Wholesale Production Jewelry
We will be happy to produce any quantity of amber jewelry according to your design specifications either handcrafted or factory produced. 
Custom Jewelry
We would be happy to make any custom jewelry as you wish. We have our own workshop and craftsmen who can complete your own designs. Contact us for full information.
Rough Amber
Please contact us if you want any rough amber.
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MAM... Amber as art

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